News — Creativity

The Artwork that Canned Hunting

Martin Aveling

Tags Blog, Conservation, Creativity, Wildlife Artivism

The Artwork that Canned Hunting
Effective wildlife artivism makes the experience of addressing difficult subjects more palatable, but without compromising on sincerity.


Wildlife Artivism

Martin Aveling

Tags Awards, Blog, Conservation, Creativity, Wildlife Artivism

Wildlife Artivism
What is wildlife artivism? The ''Human Impact' award from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation invites artists to create works that discuss the role humans have played in shaping the planet.

Labour of Love

Martin Aveling

Tags Creativity, Exhibitions, Missing In Art, Pastel Pencils

Labour of Love
if you get to the end of a labour of love and still feel in love, that's when things have worked out! This crocodile drawing took 400 hours to complete, spanning 9 months

Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020

Martin Aveling

Tags Awards, Conservation, Creativity, Exhibitions, Wildlife Artivism

Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020
My reaction to not winning 'Wildlife Artist of the Year' 2020.

Explore Pastel Pencils with Martin Aveling

Martin Aveling

Tags Blog, Creativity, Pastel Pencils

Explore Pastel Pencils with Martin Aveling
Guest blog for Derwent Pencils - An introduction to pastel pencils.
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